Nothing fancy in this question and answer video. Just me chatting, covering off some channel insights, repetitive questions and a few little hints.
See you all soon for another Aussie hunting and shooting video.
This evening I'm out on a pest control, thermal hunting contract to shoot any invasive species encountered. Total mixed bag with Indian Myna birds & pigeons shot with the FX Impact M3. Plus rabbits and feral cats shot with my custom 6BR Tikka.
Before the haters get triggered please do some research on feral cats in AUSTRALIA and how much damage they are directly responsible for. These little buggers are not pets, they are invasive pest animals that I'll always shoot given the opportunity !!! If you don't like that, on ya bike !!!
It was also the first night out using the brand new Pulsar Merger LRF XP50 thermal binoculars. Aren't they a treat as you'll see in the video recordings. A review will be coming for this amazing device in the coming weeks !!!
Finally I have my new FX Impact M3 .22 caliber into the field with a suppressor for some bird pest control shooting. There is plenty of air rifle hunting and shooting action in this YouTube video for you all to watch. The FX Impact M3 is shooting on song in .22 caliber with 15.89gr JSB Hades Pellets @ 650fps, nice and slow to not damage the sheds or infrastructure. Scope of course is my Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF XP50 Pro. For those interested, the FX Impact M3 is running no power mod upgrades. It has a standard 600mm barrel with superior liner (not heavy).
My 6BR is a custom Tikka T3 rifle with a 18" Carbon Six barrel and Hi Tec Industries stock. The suppressor from Shawmac Industries which works amazingly well on this cartridge. Thermal scope is an InfiRay TH50 Tube with audio externally recorded.
I am a vertebrate pest control - contract shooter in NSW. For those wondering about the suppressor I hold the necessary permit in NSW to do so. If seeking information regarding that, please check the FAR webpage for details.
All shooting is performed on privately owned farms, with exclusive permission granted in writing for paid services.
This feral pig cull we definitely had warm barrels with 150 hogs down in two nights. Shooting these invasive wild boars & feral pigs in Australia is recorded via thermal hunting equipment during a professional feral control program. All shooting is in the darkness to maximise efficiency using stealth thermal hunting equipment. These feral pigs are a huge environmental and agricultural menace in Australia and are classed as invasive pest species. This is purely pest control, no animals are shot for consumption. Bacterial and diseases like brucellosis are prevalent in these areas.
Lets go shoot some pigs, there's plenty of action packed killshot footage & video clips with the thermal gear !!!
I'm shooting the following rifle in this video:
* 308 Winchester - Ruger American Predator 18". Fitted into a MDT Gen 2 LSS chassis, running reloaded ammunition with 150 grain Hornady SST projectiles. Suppressor fitted is made by Shawmac Industries. My thermal scope is the new Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF XP50 Pro. For a scanner I'm running my Helion 2 XP50 Pro.
I am a vertebrate pest control - contract shooter in NSW. For those wondering about the suppressor I hold the necessary permit in NSW to do so. If seeking information regarding that, please check the FAR webpage for details.
All shooting is performed on privately owned farms, with exclusive permission granted in writing for paid services.
This Hog Hunt / Wild Boar Hunting & Pig Hunting Australia video is recorded with thermal shooting equipment during various contracted feral control programs. We do it all hunting in the darkness, stationary, walking, on the run or asleep - Makes little difference where the pig is when it's just feral animal control.
Lets go shoot some pigs !!!
There's plenty of action packed killshot footage & video clips with the thermal gear !!!
These feral animals are a huge environmental and agricultural menace in Australia. This is purely pest control, no animals are shot for consumption. Bacterial and diseases like brucellosis are prevalent in these areas.
I'm shooting the following rifle in this video:
* 308 Winchester - Ruger American Predator 18". Fitted into a MDT Gen 2 LSS chassis and running Sako ammunition with 130 grain hollow point projectiles. Suppressor is made by Shawmac Industries. My thermal scope is the new Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF XP50 Pro. For a scanner I'm running my Helion 2 XP50 Pro.
Also m6 custom Tikka T3 chambered in 6mm BR.
I am a vertebrate pest control - contract shooter in NSW. For those wondering about the suppressor I hold the necessary permit in NSW to do so. If seeking information regarding that, please check the FAR webpage for details.
All shooting is performed on privately owned farms, with exclusive permission granted in writing for paid services.
This is my user impressions and review on the new Pulsar Axion 2 LRF XQ35. I've had this device in real world conditions for around 40 hours so far. It's an excellent little thermal scanner and well worth considering if your in the market for a device with an inboard laser rangefinder (LRF). This isn't a "how to" video with boring unboxing and basic menu function explanations. This is my handle on the Axion 2 LRF XQ35 as a shooter and user.
Big thanks Pulsar in Europe and Extravision in Australia for sending me the new Axion to play with. Without support from companies who are proactive in the hunting industry like this, these video's are mostly not possible with the speed tech is evolving.
This feral pig / hog cull is video mainly recorded with thermal shooting equipment during a contracted feral control program in Australia. We do it all hunting in the darkness, removing 92 feral pigs in a single night, predominantly on freshly cut sorghum cropping fields. I'm out again on this run with mate Rodney from RJM Hunting Australia. Lets go shoot some pigs !!!
There's plenty of action packed killshot footage & video clips with the thermal gear !!!
These feral animals are a huge environmental and agricultural menace in Australia. This is purely pest control, no animals are shot for consumption. Bacterial and diseases like brucellosis are prevalent in these areas.
I'm shooting the following rifle in this video:
* 308 Winchester - Ruger American Predator 18". Fitted into a MDT Gen 2 LSS chassis and running Sako ammunition with 130 grain hollow point projectiles. Suppressor is made by Shawmac Industries. My thermal scope is the new Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF XP50 Pro. For a scanner I'm running my Helion 2 XP50 Pro.
I am a vertebrate pest control - contract shooter in NSW. For those wondering about the suppressor I hold the necessary permit in NSW to do so. If seeking information regarding that, please check the FAR webpage for details.
All shooting is performed on privately owned farms, with exclusive permission granted in writing for paid services.
Finally I have my new FX Impact M3 .22 caliber into the field for some BULK pest control shooting. This contract is part of a professional pest control program with a local rabbit problem. Rabbit hunting at night is an Aussie pastime, add in a modern twist of PCP hunting with thermal equipment. You can envisage good results if the rabbit numbers are prevalent. There is plenty of air rifle hunting and shooting action in this YouTube video for you all to watch.
FX Impact M3 is shooting on song in .22 caliber with 23gr slugs. Scope of course is my Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF XP50 Pro. Thermal hand scanner duties went to a Pulsar Axion 2 LRF XQ35 that I will be reviewing soon. For those interested, the FX Impact M3 is running no power mod upgrades. It has a standard 600mm barrel with superior liner (not heavy). I'm firing the 23gr slugs at about 930 fps for sub MOA accuracy.
Some rabbits shot are utilised for the pot or pet food. But with a large cull like this many just go into landfill as we are paid to shoot and tally numbers. There's no time on the clock so to speak for processing animals.
Notable mention to the other pro shooters working this job. Fantastic to see the dedication and professionalism displayed on the program. There was a very visible drop in the rabbit numbers by the end of the shoot. Satisfying to see the direct impact a coordinated shooting cull can achieve. The nights I recorded this footage we combined shot around 300 rabbits.
Some of the other guys shoot fully suppressed which is legal in Australia if you hold the applicable permit. Tools of the trade were PCP air rifles (obviously) and .22 cal rimfires. Thermal is nearly mandatory with the long grass and proximity to property, livestock and infrastructure.
Finally away hunting big fallow bucks with my mate Rodney @RJM Hunting Australia. This trip we have paired up for some epic buck hunting action chasing these dynamic animals in the rut. We hunted on foot, stalking in the beautiful mountains of the Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia. Rod took two fantastic bucks while I filmed.
I was fortunate enough to return to the same area the following week for a second crack myself. This time with my little boy who experienced proper deer hunting for the first time. He's definitely hooked now!!!
Experiencing the fallow buck rut is something every hunter should try to do. They are amped up, croaking for dominance, stinky and keen for a fight. It's often extremely fast paced hunting of what is normally an elusive, shy animal.
This trip Rod shot his custom 308win and my ultralight mountain rifle. A Tikka T3X chambered in 30-06 with a carbon fiber stock.
The deer taken are free range, wild animals. Not world record breakers by any means. But we both had an amazing few days and are already planning to do it all again next year.
This shooting trip I'm out hunting invasive feral pigs and foxes on private property. I've got the ATV Quadbike and my mate Rodney from RJM Hunting Australia. Lets go shoot some pigs !!!
There's plenty of action packed killshot footage video with the thermal scope !!!
These feral invasive animals don't stand much of a sporting chance with this type of pest control / shooting / night hunting. But that's the idea......... Critters on the deck and not killing native animals and damaging agriculture is the aim of the game !!!
I'm shooting the following rifle in this video:
* 308 Winchester - Ruger American Predator 18". Fitted into a MDT Gen 2 LSS chassis and running reloads with 150 grain Hornady SST projectiles. My thermal scope is the new Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF XP50 Pro.
This trip is two fold, I'm doing a bit of feral animal control via ground shooting, Pigs / Hogs and Foxes are high on the target list. Plus I'm gearing up for the Autumn Fallow and Red deer rut in Australia, setting some trail camera's to see what's about.
With the abundance of grass and feed crops for these feral animals to raid and hide in. Pest control via shooting is a successful measure. Using an ATV and thermal equipment is a huge asset in gaining an advantage and having some success on the ferals. Join me on this shooting trip where I put a dent in the population of an area I regularly frequent.
This trip I'm shooting my custom Tikka T3 chambered in 6BR. Thermal scope is a Pulsar Thermion 2 XP50.
All the animals shot in the video are introduced, invasive species in Australia. These animals are being culled for pest control purposes. Whilst this is labelled a hunting video a lot of this footage is purely pest control shooting. There is no "fair chase" other than shooting straight and true resulting in the most ethical kills possible. I'm performing this role with professional equipment for property owners who grant me access and require assistance.
This is my user impressions and review on the new InfiRay Finder FH35R. I've had this device in real hunting usage conditions for around 25 hours so far. It's an excellent little thermal scanner and well worth considering if your in the market for a device with an inboard laser rangefinder (LRF). This isn't a "how to" video with boring unboxing and basic menu function explanations. This is my handle on the FH35R as a shooter and user.
Wild dogs - The plan was a sit and wait in a location the wild dogs have been spotted on a dead cow. I have had my 4G trail camera on this pile for a few weeks. In the week prior to this hunt I had regularly been seeing a few younger dogs on a cow carcass each afternoon. The week before I had shot another dog here with my 6.5PRC. My son in tow for his first experience.
This time I was back with my 6mm BR with intention to remove another or two of these troublesome predators. Watch the video and you'll see how everything unfolded to plan, which is rare but no complaints.