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quick clip - Harley Sampson tracking a few hogs
This episode we are spicing things up by introducing a new state based scoring system that puts all states on even footing. Watch 10 teams from all over the country go head to head catching heaps of tonners, 4 weighing over the 130 kilo mark. With some new faces catching some whoppers they put the pressure on the other teams. It's an episode you don't want to miss.
Photo competition - we have a first aid kit up for grabs that anyone can win and for premium & platinum members, you can also enter to win a hydration pack with bonus gear as well. All sponsored by To enter all you have to do is post a photo on Uhunt, you can post up to one photo a day for entry into the comp, over the duration of the competition. For more info hit the comps tab.
video competition - win a bull bar mount antenna increase your range on your handset. Simply post your best video up on Uhunt and then you're in the running. The most popular video wins. You can also share your video to other sites as well. You can post up to one video a day for the duration of the comp.
E2 - Plumby's Hunting and Fishing Adventures
Bass Fishing - Fleming Brothers
Drawing the winner of the Alpha 200i
Last episode Sam and the team missed a cracker of a stag, this episode they are heading out again for round 2, wish them luck.
In this series we join Jake Plumb and his family on hunting and fishing adventures throughout the southern Tablelands in new south wales. Jake filmed and edited these videos when he was only 15 years old. We think he's done an amazing job and will only get better as time goes on. In this first episode we join Jake and the team as they hit the mountain country chasing boars with their dogs and shooting a few as well. It's important for us to note that the boys don't often run protection on their dogs in this country as they find it can actually do more harm then good. The vests can get caught up in the blackberry bushes and increase the risk of the dog over heating. The pigs they catch most of the time don't have much tusks either so as a result they choose not use plates as often. So keeping that in mind lets get in on the action.
Guns & Game E1
We are working diligently towards the completion of this feature, we will keep you updated on its progress and share more details in the coming weeks. We appreciate your support and look forward to unveiling this exciting addition to our platform soon.
Thank you for being a part of our community.